An Occupy event remembering Martin Luther King Jr will be held this Sunday at the People's Church, 941 W. Lawrence.

Come together with 1200 other people from across the Chicago are to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King and to continue his work of justice by holding Wall Street banks and corporations accountable!
Elected officials from across the Chicago area will be there, including aldermen, state legislators, and federal officials. We will be asking them to commit in front of hundreds of their constituents to hold banks and other big corporations accountable. We need you to participate in this event so that our elected officials know they're being watched!
Hosted by: IIRON - Indiana Illinois Regional Organizing Network, SOUL - Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation, Northside POWER, The Northwest Indiana Federation and Occupy Chicago!
Sunday, January 15, 2012 - 2:30pm
People's Church, 941 W. Lawrence